Expo-info Knights in Shining Armour (reappropriating the appropriated)

Hier vindt u alle informatie over de tentoonstelling en het publieke programma.

You can find and download all the information on the exhitibion and the public programme:

Framework en kunstenaars NL (informatie over de tentoonstelling, de kunstenaars en alle werken)

Framework and artists ENG (information on the exhibition, the artists and all of the works)

Informatie over objecten RCE NL (informatie over de gebruikte objecten in de tentoonstellingsruimte)

Information on objects RCE ENG (information on the used objects in the exhibition room)

Publiek programma rond KiSA NL (extra activiteiten – talks, workshops – rond de tentoonstelling)

Public programme KiSA ENG (extra activities – talks, workshops – during the exhibition)